Self-Help Books

How To Get Along with Almost Everybody


Strained or broken relationships are an unfortunate fact of life for most of us. Friends fall away, siblings drift apart, children sever ties with their parents, and despite our best efforts, these painful fissures are difficult to mend.

HOW TO START: The art of beginning big things


Albert Einstein solved physics equations and Dan Brown writes thriller stories—but what if they had the same source of inspiration? What does Charles Darwin have in common with the founder of Red Bull? What can a conversation between Mozart and his father teach you about starting big things?

The Artist’s Way Toolkit: How to Use the Creative Practices


Experience the essential Artist’s Way philosophy in this practical, accessible collection of tools from “the Queen of Change” (New York Times) author Julia Cameron.

Dive into the genius behind The Artist’s Way with exclusive, never-before-published Q&A’s, instruction manuals, and an Artist’s Way glossary.

Break Up On Purpose: A Catalyst for Growth


An honest guide to breaking up and breaking through from the bestselling author of Single on Purpose, John Kim.

Every breakup is painful. Yet it is also a transformation. A breaking down and breaking through to a new version of who you are now, after you have severed ties. Nothing will change you like a broken heart. Yet every breakup is different.

The Fix: How the Twelve Steps Offer a Surprising Path of Transformation for the Well-Adjusted, the Down-and-Out, and Everyone In Between


Did you know that anyone–addicts or non-addicts–can benefit from working the Twelve Steps and find the freedom, joy, and intimacy with God that their hearts long for?

We all suffer from a sense of spiritual homelessness–a feeling that we’re not fully at home in the world. To cope with our painful feelings and life traumas, we search for quick “fixes” that eventually become habitual, self-destructive behaviors that ultimately create more problems than they solve.

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