Could this single source also provide specific instructions on how best to manage your money; help develop critical personal attributes like keeping a positive attitude and being dependable; while most significantly, helping to understand the extreme importance of living a healthy lifestyle? Might this also give direction for improving your spiritual life?
The book addresses some of the most relevant and practical issues you will face in this new era of your life and is signified by your looking at the beautiful sunrise and experiencing the start of a new day. Transitioning from being a student can be a very trying time in undertaking the daunting task of deciding how to spend the next forty years of your life and this book will help guide you through this stressful period.
Part one of the book has twenty-one chapters providing valuable counsel related to your personal, financial, and business lives. Part two comprises a third of the book and provides thirteen chapters addressing key issues written to enhance your spiritual life. These are all practical, Biblically-oriented issues and are non-political or preaching in nature, but simply provided to enrich and strengthen your spiritual walk.
The author’s goal is to deliver comprehensive, practical and holistic advice to enrich all aspects of the 18 to 28-year-old’s transitioning life; while helping to avoid some of life’s trials experienced by the author and facilitate learning from his numerous life experiences.
For more information, please visit his website at
Balanced Undergraduate
$3.00“Balance Undergraduate is a blueprint of how to balance academics, extra-curriculum-activities, skills, talent development, entrepreneurship and many more as a student. It lays a great emphasis on self-development strategies for increasing employability. Just the best shot!!!